Source code for pyscf.lo.boys

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Foster-Boys localization

import numpy
from functools import reduce

from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.soscf import ciah
from pyscf.lo import orth, cholesky_mos
from pyscf import __config__

[docs] def kernel(localizer, mo_coeff=None, callback=None, verbose=None): from import mo_mapping if mo_coeff is not None: localizer.mo_coeff = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff, order='C') if localizer.mo_coeff.shape[1] <= 1: return localizer.mo_coeff if localizer.verbose >= logger.WARN: localizer.check_sanity() localizer.dump_flags() cput0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) log = logger.new_logger(localizer, verbose=verbose) if localizer.conv_tol_grad is None: conv_tol_grad = numpy.sqrt(localizer.conv_tol*.1)'Set conv_tol_grad to %g', conv_tol_grad) else: conv_tol_grad = localizer.conv_tol_grad if mo_coeff is None: if getattr(localizer, 'mol', None) and localizer.mol.natm == 0: # For customized Hamiltonian u0 = localizer.get_init_guess('random') else: u0 = localizer.get_init_guess(localizer.init_guess) else: u0 = localizer.get_init_guess(None) rotaiter = ciah.rotate_orb_cc(localizer, u0, conv_tol_grad, verbose=log) u, g_orb, stat = next(rotaiter) cput1 = log.timer('initializing CIAH', *cput0) tot_kf = stat.tot_kf tot_hop = stat.tot_hop conv = False e_last = 0 for imacro in range(localizer.max_cycle): norm_gorb = numpy.linalg.norm(g_orb) u0 =, u) e = localizer.cost_function(u0) e_last, de = e, e-e_last'macro= %d f(x)= %.14g delta_f= %g |g|= %g %d KF %d Hx', imacro+1, e, de, norm_gorb, stat.tot_kf+1, stat.tot_hop) cput1 = log.timer('cycle= %d'%(imacro+1), *cput1) if (norm_gorb < conv_tol_grad and abs(de) < localizer.conv_tol and stat.tot_hop < localizer.ah_max_cycle): conv = True if callable(callback): callback(locals()) if conv: break u, g_orb, stat = rotaiter.send(u0) tot_kf += stat.tot_kf tot_hop += stat.tot_hop rotaiter.close()'macro X = %d f(x)= %.14g |g|= %g %d intor %d KF %d Hx', imacro+1, e, norm_gorb, (imacro+1)*2, tot_kf+imacro+1, tot_hop) # Sort the localized orbitals, to make each localized orbitals as close as # possible to the corresponding input orbitals sorted_idx = mo_mapping.mo_1to1map(u0) localizer.mo_coeff =, u0[:,sorted_idx]) return localizer.mo_coeff
[docs] def dipole_integral(mol, mo_coeff, charge_center=None): # The gauge origin has no effects for maximization |<r>|^2 # Set to charge center for physical significance of <r> if charge_center is None: charge_center = (numpy.einsum('z,zx->x', mol.atom_charges(), mol.atom_coords()) / mol.atom_charges().sum()) with mol.with_common_origin(charge_center): dip = numpy.asarray([reduce(, (mo_coeff.conj().T, x, mo_coeff)) for x in mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_r', comp=3)]) return dip
[docs] def atomic_init_guess(mol, mo_coeff): if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1) else: s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp') c = orth.orth_ao(mol, s=s) mo = reduce(, (c.conj().T, s, mo_coeff)) # Find the AOs which have largest overlap to MOs idx = numpy.argsort(numpy.einsum('pi,pi->p', mo.conj(), mo)) nmo = mo.shape[1] idx = sorted(idx[-nmo:]) # Rotate mo_coeff, make it as close as possible to AOs u, w, vh = numpy.linalg.svd(mo[idx]) return, vh).conj().T
[docs] class OrbitalLocalizer(lib.StreamObject, ciah.CIAHOptimizerMixin): conv_tol = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_conv_tol', 1e-6) conv_tol_grad = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_conv_tol_grad', None) max_cycle = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_max_cycle', 100) max_iters = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_max_iters', 20) max_stepsize = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_max_stepsize', .05) ah_trust_region = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_ah_trust_region', 3) ah_start_tol = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_ah_start_tol', 1e9) ah_max_cycle = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_ah_max_cycle', 40) init_guess = getattr(__config__, 'lo_boys_Boys_init_guess', 'atomic') _keys = { 'conv_tol', 'conv_tol_grad', 'max_cycle', 'max_iters', 'max_stepsize', 'ah_trust_region', 'ah_start_tol', 'ah_max_cycle', 'init_guess', 'mol', 'mo_coeff', } def __init__(self, mol, mo_coeff=None): self.mol = mol self.stdout = mol.stdout self.verbose = mol.verbose self.mo_coeff = mo_coeff
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose)'\n')'******** %s ********', self.__class__)'conv_tol = %s' , self.conv_tol )'conv_tol_grad = %s' , self.conv_tol_grad )'max_cycle = %s' , self.max_cycle )'max_stepsize = %s' , self.max_stepsize )'max_iters = %s' , self.max_iters )'kf_interval = %s' , self.kf_interval )'kf_trust_region = %s', self.kf_trust_region)'ah_start_tol = %s' , self.ah_start_tol )'ah_start_cycle = %s' , self.ah_start_cycle )'ah_level_shift = %s' , self.ah_level_shift )'ah_conv_tol = %s' , self.ah_conv_tol )'ah_lindep = %s' , self.ah_lindep )'ah_max_cycle = %s' , self.ah_max_cycle )'ah_trust_region = %s', self.ah_trust_region)'init_guess = %s' , self.init_guess )
[docs] def get_init_guess(self, key='atomic'): '''Generate initial guess for localization. Kwargs: key : str or bool If key is 'atomic', initial guess is based on the projected atomic orbitals. False ''' nmo = self.mo_coeff.shape[1] if isinstance(key, str) and key.lower() == 'atomic': u0 = atomic_init_guess(self.mol, self.mo_coeff) elif isinstance(key, str) and key.lower().startswith('cho'): mo_init = cholesky_mos(self.mo_coeff) S = self.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp') u0 = numpy.linalg.multi_dot([self.mo_coeff.T, S, mo_init]) else: u0 = numpy.eye(nmo) if (isinstance(key, str) and key.lower().startswith('rand') or numpy.linalg.norm(self.get_grad(u0)) < 1e-5): # Add noise to kick initial guess out of saddle point dr = numpy.cos(numpy.arange((nmo-1)*nmo//2)) * 1e-3 u0 = self.extract_rotation(dr) return u0
[docs] def gen_g_hop(self, u): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_grad(self, u=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def cost_function(self, u=None): raise NotImplementedError
kernel = kernel
[docs] class Boys(OrbitalLocalizer): r''' Base class oflocalization optimizer that maximizes the orbital dipole \sum_i | <i| r |i> |^2 Args: mol : Mole object Kwargs: mo_coeff : size (N,N) np.array The orbital space to localize for Boys localization. When initializing the localization optimizer ``bopt = Boys(mo_coeff)``, Note these orbitals ``mo_coeff`` may or may not be used as initial guess, depending on the attribute ``.init_guess`` . If ``.init_guess`` is set to None, the ``mo_coeff`` will be used as initial guess. If ``.init_guess`` is 'atomic', a few atomic orbitals will be constructed inside the space of the input orbitals and the atomic orbitals will be used as initial guess. Note when calling .kernel(orb) method with a set of orbitals as argument, the orbitals will be used as initial guess regardless of the value of the attributes .mo_coeff and .init_guess. Attributes for Boys class: verbose : int Print level. Default value equals to :class:`Mole.verbose`. max_memory : float or int Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to :class:`Mole.max_memory`. conv_tol : float Converge threshold. Default 1e-6 conv_tol_grad : float Converge threshold for orbital rotation gradients. Default 1e-3 max_cycle : int The max. number of macro iterations. Default 100 max_iters : int The max. number of iterations in each macro iteration. Default 20 max_stepsize : float The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is preferred. Default 0.03. init_guess : str or None Initial guess for optimization. If set to None, orbitals defined by the attribute .mo_coeff will be used as initial guess. If set to 'atomic', atomic orbitals will be used as initial guess. If set to 'cholesky', then cholesky orbitals will be used as the initial guess. Default is 'atomic'. Saved results mo_coeff : ndarray Localized orbitals '''
[docs] def gen_g_hop(self, u): mo_coeff =, u) dip = dipole_integral(self.mol, mo_coeff) g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', dip, dip) g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0-g0.conj().T) * 2 h_diag = numpy.einsum('xii,xpp->pi', dip, dip) * 2 h_diag-= g0.diagonal() + g0.diagonal().reshape(-1,1) h_diag+= numpy.einsum('xip,xip->pi', dip, dip) * 2 h_diag+= numpy.einsum('xip,xpi->pi', dip, dip) * 2 h_diag = -self.pack_uniq_var(h_diag) * 2 #:nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1] #:h = numpy.einsum('xjj,xjq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo)) #:h+= numpy.einsum('xqq,xjq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo)) #:h+= numpy.einsum('xjq,xjp,jk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo)) #:h+= numpy.einsum('xjp,xkp,pq->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo)) #:h-= numpy.einsum('xjj,xkp,jq->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo)) #:h-= numpy.einsum('xpp,xjq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo)) #:h-= numpy.einsum('xjp,xpq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))*2 #:h = h - h.transpose(0,1,3,2) #:h = h - h.transpose(1,0,2,3) #:h = h + h.transpose(2,3,0,1) #:h *= -.5 #:idx = numpy.tril_indices(nmo, -1) #:h = h[idx][:,idx[0],idx[1]] g0 = g0 + g0.conj().T def h_op(x): x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x) norb = x.shape[0] #:hx = numpy.einsum('qp,xjj,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qp,xqq,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx+= numpy.einsum('jk,xkk,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx+= numpy.einsum('jk,xpp,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qj,xjq,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx+= numpy.einsum('pk,xjp,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xpp,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2 #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xjp,xpq->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2 #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qj,xjp,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx+= numpy.einsum('pk,xkp,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip) #:hx-= numpy.einsum('jk,xjj,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2 #:hx-= numpy.einsum('jk,xkj,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2 #:return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx) #:hx = numpy.einsum('iq,qp->pi', g0, x) hx =, g0.T).conj() #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qi,xiq,xip->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2 hx+= numpy.einsum('xip,xi->pi', dip, numpy.einsum('qi,xiq->xi', x, dip)) * 2 #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xpp,xiq->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2 hx-= numpy.einsum('xpp,xip->pi', dip,,norb), x).reshape(3,norb,norb)) * 2 #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xip,xpq->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2 hx-= numpy.einsum('xip,xp->pi', dip, numpy.einsum('qp,xpq->xp', x, dip)) * 2 return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx-hx.conj().T) return g, h_op, h_diag
[docs] def get_grad(self, u=None): if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1]) mo_coeff =, u) dip = dipole_integral(self.mol, mo_coeff) g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', dip, dip) g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0-g0.conj().T) * 2 return g
[docs] def cost_function(self, u=None): if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1]) mo_coeff =, u) charge_center = (numpy.einsum('z,zx->x', self.mol.atom_charges(), self.mol.atom_coords()) / self.mol.atom_charges().sum()) dip = dipole_integral(self.mol, mo_coeff, charge_center) with self.mol.with_common_origin(charge_center): r2 = self.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_r2') r2 = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->', mo_coeff,, mo_coeff)) val = r2 - numpy.einsum('xii,xii->', dip, dip) return val
FB = BF = Boys if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import gto, scf mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = ''' O 0. 0. 0.2 H 0. -0.5 -0.4 H 0. 0.7 -0.2 ''' mol.basis = 'ccpvdz' mf = scf.RHF(mol).run() mo = mf.mo_coeff[:,:3] loc = Boys(mol, mo) u0 = numpy.eye(3) dx = 1e-5 g_num = [] hdiag_num = [] h_op, hdiag = loc.gen_g_hop(u0)[1:] for i in range(3): dr = numpy.zeros(3) dr[i] = dx u = loc.extract_rotation(dr) cf1 =-loc.cost_function(u0) cf2 =-loc.cost_function( cg1 = loc.get_grad(u0) cg2 = loc.get_grad( g_num.append((cf2-cf1)/dx) print('hx', abs(cg2-cg1-h_op(dr)).sum()) hdiag_num.append(h_op(dr/dx)[i]) print('g', numpy.array(g_num), loc.get_grad(u0)*2) print('hdiag', numpy.array(hdiag_num), hdiag) mo = Boys(mol).kernel(mf.mo_coeff[:,5:9], verbose=4)