Source code for pyscf.lo.pipek

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Pipek-Mezey localization

ref. JCTC 10, 642 (2014); DOI:10.1021/ct401016x

import numpy
from functools import reduce

from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.lo import orth
from pyscf.lo import boys
from pyscf.lo import pipek_jacobi
from pyscf import __config__

[docs] def atomic_pops(mol, mo_coeff, method='meta_lowdin', mf=None, s=None): ''' Kwargs: method : string The atomic population projection scheme. It can be mulliken, lowdin, meta_lowdin, iao, or becke Returns: A 3-index tensor [A,i,j] indicates the population of any orbital-pair density |i><j| for each species (atom in this case). This tensor is used to construct the population and gradients etc. You can customize the PM localization wrt other population metric, such as the charge of a site, the charge of a fragment (a group of atoms) by overwriting this tensor. See also the example pyscf/examples/loc_orb/ for the PM localization of site-based population for hubbard model. ''' method = method.lower().replace('_', '-') nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1] proj = numpy.empty((mol.natm,nmo,nmo)) if s is None: if getattr(mol, 'pbc_intor', None): # whether mol object is a cell s = mol.pbc_intor('int1e_ovlp', hermi=1) else: s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp') if method == 'becke': from pyscf.dft import gen_grid if not (getattr(mf, 'grids', None) and getattr(mf, '_numint', None)): # Call DFT to initialize grids and numint objects mf = mol.RKS() grids = mf.grids ni = mf._numint if not isinstance(grids, gen_grid.Grids): raise NotImplementedError('PM becke scheme for PBC systems') # The atom-wise Becke grids (without concatenated to a vector of grids) coords, weights = grids.get_partition(mol, concat=False) for i in range(mol.natm): ao = ni.eval_ao(mol, coords[i], deriv=0) aow = numpy.einsum('pi,p->pi', ao, weights[i]) charge_matrix =, ao) proj[i] = reduce(, (mo_coeff.conj().T, charge_matrix, mo_coeff)) elif method == 'mulliken': for i, (b0, b1, p0, p1) in enumerate(mol.offset_nr_by_atom()): csc = reduce(, (mo_coeff[p0:p1].conj().T, s[p0:p1], mo_coeff)) proj[i] = (csc + csc.conj().T) * .5 elif method in ('lowdin', 'meta-lowdin'): csc = reduce(, (mo_coeff.conj().T, s, orth.orth_ao(mol, method, 'ANO', s=s))) for i, (b0, b1, p0, p1) in enumerate(mol.offset_nr_by_atom()): proj[i] =[:,p0:p1], csc[:,p0:p1].conj().T) elif method in ('iao', 'ibo'): from pyscf.lo import iao assert mf is not None # FIXME: How to handle UHF/UKS object? orb_occ = mf.mo_coeff[:,mf.mo_occ>0] iao_coeff = iao.iao(mol, orb_occ) # # IAO is generally not orthogonalized. For simplicity, we take Lowdin # orthogonalization here. Other orthogonalization can be used. Results # should be very closed to the Lowdin-orth orbitals # # PM with Mulliken population of non-orth IAOs can be found in # ibo.PipekMezey function # iao_coeff = orth.vec_lowdin(iao_coeff, s) csc = reduce(, (mo_coeff.conj().T, s, iao_coeff)) iao_mol = iao.reference_mol(mol) for i, (b0, b1, p0, p1) in enumerate(iao_mol.offset_nr_by_atom()): proj[i] =[:,p0:p1], csc[:,p0:p1].conj().T) else: raise KeyError('method = %s' % method) return proj
[docs] class PipekMezey(boys.OrbitalLocalizer): '''The Pipek-Mezey localization optimizer that maximizes the orbital population Args: mol : Mole object Kwargs: mo_coeff : size (N,N) np.array The orbital space to localize for PM localization. When initializing the localization optimizer ``bopt = PM(mo_coeff)``, Note these orbitals ``mo_coeff`` may or may not be used as initial guess, depending on the attribute ``.init_guess`` . If ``.init_guess`` is set to None, the ``mo_coeff`` will be used as initial guess. If ``.init_guess`` is 'atomic', a few atomic orbitals will be constructed inside the space of the input orbitals and the atomic orbitals will be used as initial guess. Note when calling .kernel(orb) method with a set of orbitals as argument, the orbitals will be used as initial guess regardless of the value of the attributes .mo_coeff and .init_guess. Attributes for PM class: verbose : int Print level. Default value equals to :class:`Mole.verbose`. max_memory : float or int Allowed memory in MB. Default value equals to :class:`Mole.max_memory`. conv_tol : float Converge threshold. Default 1e-6 conv_tol_grad : float Converge threshold for orbital rotation gradients. Default 1e-3 max_cycle : int The max. number of macro iterations. Default 100 max_iters : int The max. number of iterations in each macro iteration. Default 20 max_stepsize : float The step size for orbital rotation. Small step (0.005 - 0.05) is preferred. Default 0.03. init_guess : str or None Initial guess for optimization. If set to None, orbitals defined by the attribute .mo_coeff will be used as initial guess. If set to 'atomic', atomic orbitals will be used as initial guess. Default 'atomic' pop_method : str How the orbital population is calculated, see JCTC 10, 642 (2014) for discussion. Options are: - 'meta-lowdin' (default) as defined in JCTC 10, 3784 (2014) - 'mulliken' original Pipek-Mezey scheme, JCP 90, 4916 (1989) - 'lowdin' Lowdin charges, JCTC 10, 642 (2014) - 'iao' or 'ibo' intrinsic atomic orbitals, JCTC 9, 4384 (2013) - 'becke' Becke charges, JCTC 10, 642 (2014) The IAO and Becke charges do not depend explicitly on the basis set, and have a complete basis set limit [JCTC 10, 642 (2014)]. exponent : int The power to define norm. It can be 2 or 4. Default 2. Saved results mo_coeff : ndarray Localized orbitals ''' pop_method = getattr(__config__, 'lo_pipek_PM_pop_method', 'meta_lowdin') conv_tol = getattr(__config__, 'lo_pipek_PM_conv_tol', 1e-6) exponent = getattr(__config__, 'lo_pipek_PM_exponent', 2) # any integer >= 2 _keys = {'pop_method', 'conv_tol', 'exponent'} def __init__(self, mol, mo_coeff=None, mf=None, pop_method=None): boys.OrbitalLocalizer.__init__(self, mol, mo_coeff) self._scf = mf if pop_method is not None: self.pop_method = pop_method
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): boys.OrbitalLocalizer.dump_flags(self, verbose), 'pop_method = %s',self.pop_method)
[docs] def gen_g_hop(self, u): exponent = self.exponent mo_coeff =, u) projR = self.atomic_pops(self.mol, mo_coeff, self.pop_method).real pop = lib.einsum('xii->xi', projR) popexp1 = pop**(exponent-1) popexp2 = pop**(exponent-2) # gradient g = lib.einsum('xj,xij->ij', popexp1, projR) g = -2 * exponent * self.pack_uniq_var(g - g.T) # hessian diagonal g1 = lib.einsum('xi,xi->i', popexp1, pop) g2 = lib.einsum('xi,xj->ij', popexp1, pop) h_diag = -2 * exponent * (g1[:,None] - g2) g1 = lib.einsum('xi,xij->ij', popexp2, projR**2.) h_diag += 4 * exponent * (exponent-1) * g1 h_diag = -self.pack_uniq_var(h_diag + h_diag.T) # hessian vector product G = lib.einsum('xi,xij->ij', popexp1, projR) G += G.T def h_op(x): xR = self.unpack_uniq_var(x).real # contributions from (nabla proj) x (nabla proj) j0 = popexp2 * lib.einsum('xik,ki->xi', projR, xR) j1 = lib.einsum('xi,xij->ij', j0, projR) hx = -4 * exponent * (exponent-1) * j1 # contributions from nabla^2 proj: symmetric terms j1 =,xR) hx += -exponent * j1 # contributions from nabla^2 proj: asymmetric terms j1 = lib.einsum('xj,xik,kj->ij', popexp1, projR, xR) hx += 2 * exponent * j1 hx -= hx.T return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx) return g, h_op, h_diag
[docs] def get_grad(self, u=None): if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1]) exponent = self.exponent mo_coeff =, u) projR = self.atomic_pops(self.mol, mo_coeff, self.pop_method).real popexp1 = lib.einsum('xii->xi', projR)**(exponent-1) g = lib.einsum('xj,xij->ij', popexp1, projR) g = -2 * exponent * self.pack_uniq_var(g - g.T) return g
[docs] def cost_function(self, u=None): if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1]) mo_coeff =, u) projR = self.atomic_pops(self.mol, mo_coeff, self.pop_method).real return (lib.einsum('xii->xi', projR)**self.exponent).sum()
[docs] @lib.with_doc(atomic_pops.__doc__) def atomic_pops(self, mol, mo_coeff, method=None, s=None): if method is None: method = self.pop_method if method.lower() in ('iao', 'ibo') and self._scf is None: logger.error(self, 'PM with IAO scheme should include an scf ' 'object when creating PM object.\n PM(mol, mf=scf_object)') raise ValueError('PM attribute method is not valid') return atomic_pops(mol, mo_coeff, method, self._scf, s=s)
[docs] def stability_jacobi(self): return pipek_jacobi.PipekMezey_stability_jacobi(self)
PM = Pipek = PipekMezey if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import gto, scf mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = ''' O 0.00000 0.00000 0.11779 H 0.00000 0.75545 -0.47116 H 0.00000 -0.75545 -0.47116 ''' mol.basis = 'ccpvdz' mf = scf.RHF(mol).run() mlo = PM(mol) mlo.verbose = 4 mlo.exponent = 2 # integer >= 2 mo0 = mf.mo_coeff[:,mf.mo_occ>1e-6] mo = mlo.kernel(mo0) isstable, mo1 = mlo.stability_jacobi() if not isstable: mo = mlo.kernel(mo1) isstable, mo1 = mlo.stability_jacobi() assert( isstable )