Source code for pyscf.mcscf.df

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2020 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

import ctypes
from functools import reduce
import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
from pyscf.mcscf.casci import CASCI
from pyscf import df

[docs] def density_fit(casscf, auxbasis=None, with_df=None): '''Generate DF-CASSCF for given CASSCF object. It is done by overwriting three CASSCF member functions: * casscf.ao2mo which generates MO integrals * casscf.get_veff which generate JK from core density matrix * casscf.get_jk which Args: casscf : an CASSCF object Kwargs: auxbasis : str or basis dict Same format to the input attribute mol.basis. If auxbasis is None, auxiliary basis based on AO basis (if possible) or even-tempered Gaussian basis will be used. Returns: An CASSCF object with a modified J, K matrix constructor which uses density fitting integrals to compute J and K Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = DFCASSCF(mf, 4, 4) -100.05994191570504 ''' if with_df is None: if (getattr(casscf._scf, 'with_df', None) and (auxbasis is None or auxbasis == casscf._scf.with_df.auxbasis)): with_df = casscf._scf.with_df else: with_df = df.DF(casscf.mol) with_df.max_memory = casscf.max_memory with_df.stdout = casscf.stdout with_df.verbose = casscf.verbose with_df.auxbasis = auxbasis if isinstance(casscf, _DFCAS): if casscf.with_df is None: casscf.with_df = with_df elif getattr(casscf.with_df, 'auxbasis', None) != auxbasis: #logger.warn(casscf, 'DF might have been initialized twice.') casscf = casscf.copy() casscf.with_df = with_df return casscf if isinstance(casscf, CASCI): cls = _DFCASCI else: cls = _DFCASSCF return lib.set_class(cls(casscf, with_df), (cls, casscf.__class__))
# A tag to label the derived MCSCF class class _DFCAS: __name_mixin__ = 'DF' _keys = {'with_df'} def __init__(self, mc, with_df): self.__dict__.update(mc.__dict__) #self.grad_update_dep = 0 self.with_df = with_df def undo_df(self): '''Remove the DFCASCI/DFCASSCF Mixin''' obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, _DFCAS)) del obj.with_df return obj def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): super().dump_flags(verbose), 'DFCASCI/DFCASSCF: density fitting for JK matrix ' 'and 2e integral transformation') return self def reset(self, mol=None): self.with_df.reset(mol) return super().reset(mol) # Modify get_veff for JK matrix of core density because get_h1eff calls # self.get_veff to generate core JK def get_veff(self, mol=None, dm=None, hermi=1): if dm is None: mocore = self.mo_coeff[:,:self.ncore] dm =, mocore.T) * 2 vj, vk = self.get_jk(mol, dm, hermi) return vj - vk * .5 # only approximate jk for self.update_jk_in_ah def get_jk(self, mol, dm, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None): if self.with_df: return self.with_df.get_jk(dm, hermi, with_j=with_j, with_k=with_k, omega=omega) else: return super().get_jk(mol, dm, hermi, with_j=with_j, with_k=with_k, omega=omega) def _exact_paaa(self, mo, u, out=None): if self.with_df: nmo = mo.shape[1] ncore = self.ncore ncas = self.ncas nocc = ncore + ncas mo1 =, u) mo1_cas = mo1[:,ncore:nocc] paaa = self.with_df.ao2mo([mo1, mo1_cas, mo1_cas, mo1_cas], compact=False) return paaa.reshape(nmo,ncas,ncas,ncas) else: return super()._exact_paaa(mol, u, out) def nuc_grad_method(self): raise NotImplementedError def _state_average_nuc_grad_method (self, state=None): raise NotImplementedError class _DFCASCI(_DFCAS): def get_h2eff(self, mo_coeff=None): if self.with_df: ncore = self.ncore nocc = ncore + self.ncas if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc] elif mo_coeff.shape[1] != self.ncas: mo_coeff = mo_coeff[:,ncore:nocc] return self.with_df.ao2mo(mo_coeff) else: return super(_DFCAS, self).get_h2eff(mo_coeff) class _DFCASSCF(_DFCAS): get_h2eff = _DFCASCI.get_h2eff def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff=None): if self.with_df: return _ERIS(self, mo_coeff, self.with_df) else: return super(_DFCAS, self).ao2mo(mo_coeff) def nuc_grad_method(self): from pyscf.df.grad import casscf return casscf.Gradients (self) def _state_average_nuc_grad_method (self, state=None): from pyscf.df.grad import sacasscf return sacasscf.Gradients (self, state=state)
[docs] def approx_hessian(casscf, auxbasis=None, with_df=None): '''Approximate the orbital hessian with density fitting integrals Note this function has no effects if the input casscf object is DF-CASSCF. It only modifies the orbital hessian of normal CASSCF object. Args: casscf : an CASSCF object Kwargs: auxbasis : str or basis dict Same format to the input attribute mol.basis. The default basis 'weigend+etb' means weigend-coulomb-fit basis for light elements and even-tempered basis for heavy elements. Returns: A CASSCF object with approximated JK contraction for orbital hessian Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='H 0 0 0; F 0 0 1', basis='ccpvdz', verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() >>> mc = mcscf.approx_hessian(mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 4, 4)) -100.06458716530391 ''' if isinstance(casscf, CASCI): return casscf # because CASCI does not need orbital optimization if getattr(casscf, 'with_df', None): return casscf if with_df is None: if (getattr(casscf._scf, 'with_df', None) and (auxbasis is None or auxbasis == casscf._scf.with_df.auxbasis)): with_df = casscf._scf.with_df else: with_df = df.DF(casscf.mol) with_df.max_memory = casscf.max_memory with_df.stdout = casscf.stdout with_df.verbose = casscf.verbose if auxbasis is not None: with_df.auxbasis = auxbasis dfcas = _DFHessianCASSCF(casscf, with_df) return lib.set_class(dfcas, (_DFHessianCASSCF, casscf.__class__))
class _DFHessianCASSCF: __name_mixin__ = 'DFHessian' _keys = {'with_df'} def __init__(self, mc, with_df): self.__dict__.update(mc.__dict__) #self.grad_update_dep = 0 self.with_df = with_df def undo_df(self): '''Remove the DFHessianCASSCF Mixin''' obj = lib.view(self, lib.drop_class(self.__class__, _DFHessianCASSCF)) del obj.with_df return obj def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): super().dump_flags(verbose), 'CASSCF: density fitting for orbital hessian') def reset(self, mol=None): self.with_df.reset(mol) return super().reset(mol) def ao2mo(self, mo_coeff): # the exact integral transformation eris = super().ao2mo(mo_coeff) log = logger.Logger(self.stdout, self.verbose) # Add the approximate diagonal term for orbital hessian t1 = t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) mo = numpy.asarray(mo_coeff, order='F') nao, nmo = mo.shape ncore = self.ncore eris.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore)) k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo)) fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2 max_memory = self.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0] blksize = max(4, int(min(self.with_df.blockdim, max_memory*.3e6/8/nmo**2))) bufs1 = numpy.empty((blksize,nmo,nmo)) for eri1 in self.with_df.loop(blksize): naux = eri1.shape[0] buf = bufs1[:naux] fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, buf.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), eri1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), mo.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao), (ctypes.c_int*4)(0, nmo, 0, nmo), ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0)) bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', buf) eris.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore]) k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', buf[:,:ncore], buf[:,:ncore]) t1 = log.timer_debug1('j_pc and k_pc', *t1) eris.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy() log.timer('ao2mo density fit part', *t0) return eris def get_jk(self, mol, dm, hermi=1, with_j=True, with_k=True, omega=None): if self.with_df: return self.with_df.get_jk(dm, hermi, with_j=with_j, with_k=with_k, omega=omega) else: return super().get_jk(mol, dm, hermi, with_j=with_j, with_k=with_k, omega=omega) class _ERIS: def __init__(self, casscf, mo, with_df): log = logger.Logger(casscf.stdout, casscf.verbose) mol = casscf.mol nao, nmo = mo.shape ncore = casscf.ncore ncas = casscf.ncas nocc = ncore + ncas naoaux = with_df.get_naoaux() mem_incore, mem_outcore, mem_basic = _mem_usage(ncore, ncas, nmo) mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0] max_memory = max(3000, casscf.max_memory*.9-mem_now) if max_memory < mem_basic: log.warn('Calculation needs %d MB memory, over CASSCF.max_memory (%d MB) limit', (mem_basic+mem_now)/.9, casscf.max_memory) t1 = t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) self.feri = lib.H5TmpFile() self.ppaa = self.feri.create_dataset('ppaa', (nmo,nmo,ncas,ncas), 'f8') self.papa = self.feri.create_dataset('papa', (nmo,ncas,nmo,ncas), 'f8') self.j_pc = numpy.zeros((nmo,ncore)) k_cp = numpy.zeros((ncore,nmo)) mo = numpy.asarray(mo, order='F') fxpp = lib.H5TmpFile() blksize = max(4, int(min(with_df.blockdim, (max_memory*.95e6/8-naoaux*nmo*ncas)/3/nmo**2))) bufpa = numpy.empty((naoaux,nmo,ncas)) bufs1 = numpy.empty((blksize,nmo,nmo)) fmmm = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOmmm_nr_s2_iltj fdrv = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOnr_e2_drv ftrans = _ao2mo.libao2mo.AO2MOtranse2_nr_s2 fxpp_keys = [] b0 = 0 for k, eri1 in enumerate(with_df.loop(blksize)): naux = eri1.shape[0] bufpp = bufs1[:naux] fdrv(ftrans, fmmm, bufpp.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), eri1.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), mo.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(naux), ctypes.c_int(nao), (ctypes.c_int*4)(0, nmo, 0, nmo), ctypes.c_void_p(0), ctypes.c_int(0)) fxpp_keys.append([str(k), b0, b0+naux]) fxpp[str(k)] = bufpp.transpose(1,2,0) bufpa[b0:b0+naux] = bufpp[:,:,ncore:nocc] bufd = numpy.einsum('kii->ki', bufpp) self.j_pc += numpy.einsum('ki,kj->ij', bufd, bufd[:,:ncore]) k_cp += numpy.einsum('kij,kij->ij', bufpp[:,:ncore], bufpp[:,:ncore]) b0 += naux t1 = log.timer_debug1('j_pc and k_pc', *t1) self.k_pc = k_cp.T.copy() bufs1 = bufpp = None t1 = log.timer('density fitting ao2mo pass1', *t0) mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0] nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, ((max_memory-mem_now)*1e6/8-bufpa.size)/(ncas**2*nmo)))) bufs1 = numpy.empty((nblk,ncas,nmo,ncas)) dgemm = lib.numpy_helper._dgemm for p0, p1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk): #tmp =[:,p0:p1].reshape(naoaux,-1).T, # bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1)) tmp = bufs1[:p1-p0] dgemm('T', 'N', (p1-p0)*ncas, nmo*ncas, naoaux, bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1), bufpa.reshape(naoaux,-1), tmp.reshape(-1,nmo*ncas), 1, 0, p0*ncas, 0, 0) self.papa[p0:p1] = tmp.reshape(p1-p0,ncas,nmo,ncas) bufaa = bufpa[:,ncore:nocc,:].copy().reshape(-1,ncas**2) bufs1 = bufpa = None t1 = log.timer('density fitting papa pass2', *t1) mem_now = lib.current_memory()[0] nblk = int(max(8, min(nmo, (max_memory-mem_now)*1e6/8/(nmo*naoaux+ncas**2*nmo)))) bufs1 = numpy.empty((nblk,nmo,naoaux)) bufs2 = numpy.empty((nblk,nmo,ncas,ncas)) for p0, p1 in prange(0, nmo, nblk): nrow = p1 - p0 buf = bufs1[:nrow] tmp = bufs2[:nrow].reshape(-1,ncas**2) for key, col0, col1 in fxpp_keys: buf[:nrow,:,col0:col1] = fxpp[key][p0:p1],naoaux), bufaa, 1, tmp) self.ppaa[p0:p1] = tmp.reshape(p1-p0,nmo,ncas,ncas) bufs1 = bufs2 = buf = None t1 = log.timer('density fitting ppaa pass2', *t1) self.feri.flush() dm_core =[:,:ncore], mo[:,:ncore].T) vj, vk = casscf.get_jk(mol, dm_core) self.vhf_c = reduce(, (mo.T, vj*2-vk, mo)) t0 = log.timer('density fitting ao2mo', *t0) def _mem_usage(ncore, ncas, nmo): outcore = basic = ncas**2*nmo**2*2 * 8/1e6 incore = outcore + (ncore+ncas)*nmo**3*4/1e6 return incore, outcore, basic
[docs] def prange(start, end, step): for i in range(start, end, step): yield i, min(i+step, end)
if __name__ == '__main__': from pyscf import gto from pyscf import scf from pyscf import mcscf from pyscf.mcscf import addons mol = gto.Mole() mol.atom = [ ['O', ( 0., 0. , 0. )], ['H', ( 0., -0.757, 0.587)], ['H', ( 0., 0.757 , 0.587)],] mol.basis = {'H': 'cc-pvdz', 'O': 'cc-pvdz',} m = scf.RHF(mol) ehf = m.scf() mc = approx_hessian(mcscf.CASSCF(m, 6, 4)) mc.verbose = 4 mo = addons.sort_mo(mc, m.mo_coeff, (3,4,6,7,8,9), 1) emc = mc.kernel(mo)[0] print(ehf, emc, emc-ehf) #-76.0267656731 -76.0873922924 -0.0606266193028 print(emc - -76.0873923174, emc - -76.0926176464) mc = approx_hessian(mcscf.CASSCF(m, 6, (3,1))) mc.verbose = 4 emc = mc.mc2step(mo)[0] print(emc - -75.7155632535814) mf = scf.density_fit(m) mf.kernel() #mc = density_fit(mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 4)) #mc = mcscf.CASSCF(mf, 6, 4) mc = mcscf.DFCASSCF(mf, 6, 4) mc.verbose = 4 mo = addons.sort_mo(mc, mc.mo_coeff, (3,4,6,7,8,9), 1) emc = mc.kernel(mo)[0] print(emc, 'ref = -76.0917567904955', emc - -76.0917567904955) mc.with_dep4 = True mc.max_cycle_micro = 10 emc = mc.kernel(mo)[0] print(emc, 'ref = -76.0917567904955', emc - -76.0917567904955) #mc = density_fit(mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6, 4)) #mc = mcscf.CASCI(mf, 6, 4) mc = mcscf.DFCASCI(mf, 6, 4) mo = addons.sort_mo(mc, mc.mo_coeff, (3,4,6,7,8,9), 1) emc = mc.kernel(mo)[0] print(emc, 'ref = -76.0476686258461', emc - -76.0476686258461)