Source code for pyscf.scf.cphf

#!/usr/bin/env python
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# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Restricted coupled pertubed Hartree-Fock solver

import numpy
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf.lib import logger

[docs] def solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1=None, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-9, hermi=False, verbose=logger.WARN, level_shift=0): ''' Args: fvind : function Given density matrix, compute (ij|kl)D_{lk}*2 - (ij|kl)D_{jk} Kwargs: hermi : boolean Whether the matrix defined by fvind is Hermitian or not. level_shift : float Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of Krylov solver ''' if s1 is None: return solve_nos1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, max_cycle, tol, hermi, verbose, level_shift) else: return solve_withs1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1, max_cycle, tol, hermi, verbose, level_shift)
kernel = solve # h1 shape is (:,nvir,nocc)
[docs] def solve_nos1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-9, hermi=False, verbose=logger.WARN, level_shift=0): '''For field independent basis. First order overlap matrix is zero Kwargs: level_shift : float Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of Krylov solver ''' assert not hermi log = logger.new_logger(verbose=verbose) t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) e_a = mo_energy[mo_occ==0] e_i = mo_energy[mo_occ>0] e_ai = 1 / (e_a[:,None] + level_shift - e_i) mo1base = h1 * -e_ai def vind_vo(mo1): mo1 = mo1.reshape(h1.shape) v = fvind(mo1).reshape(h1.shape) if level_shift != 0: v -= mo1 * level_shift v *= e_ai return v.ravel() mo1 = lib.krylov(vind_vo, mo1base.ravel(), tol=tol, max_cycle=max_cycle, hermi=hermi, verbose=log) log.timer('krylov solver in CPHF', *t0) return mo1.reshape(h1.shape), None
# h1 shape is (:,nocc+nvir,nocc)
[docs] def solve_withs1(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1, max_cycle=50, tol=1e-9, hermi=False, verbose=logger.WARN, level_shift=0): '''For field dependent basis. First order overlap matrix is non-zero. The first order orbitals are set to C^1_{ij} = -1/2 S1 e1 = h1 - s1*e0 + (e0_j-e0_i)*c1 + vhf[c1] Kwargs: level_shift : float Add to diagonal terms to slightly improve the convergence speed of Krylov solver Returns: First order orbital coefficients (in MO basis) and first order orbital energy matrix ''' assert not hermi log = logger.new_logger(verbose=verbose) t0 = (logger.process_clock(), logger.perf_counter()) occidx = mo_occ > 0 viridx = mo_occ == 0 e_a = mo_energy[viridx] e_i = mo_energy[occidx] e_ai = 1 / (e_a[:,None] + level_shift - e_i) nvir, nocc = e_ai.shape nmo = nocc + nvir s1 = s1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc) hs = mo1base = h1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc) - s1*e_i mo1base = hs.copy() mo1base[:,viridx] *= -e_ai mo1base[:,occidx] = -s1[:,occidx] * .5 def vind_vo(mo1): mo1 = mo1.reshape(mo1base.shape) v = fvind(mo1).reshape(mo1base.shape) if level_shift != 0: v -= mo1 * level_shift v[:,viridx,:] *= e_ai v[:,occidx,:] = 0 return v.ravel() mo1 = lib.krylov(vind_vo, mo1base.ravel(), tol=tol, max_cycle=max_cycle, hermi=hermi, verbose=log) mo1 = mo1.reshape(mo1base.shape) mo1[:,occidx] = mo1base[:,occidx] log.timer('krylov solver in CPHF', *t0) hs += fvind(mo1).reshape(mo1base.shape) mo1[:,viridx] = hs[:,viridx] / (e_i - e_a[:,None]) # mo_e1 has the same symmetry as the first order Fock matrix (hermitian or # anti-hermitian). mo_e1 = v1mo - s1*lib.direct_sum('i+j->ij',e_i,e_i) mo_e1 = hs[:,occidx,:] mo_e1 += mo1[:,occidx] * (e_i[:,None] - e_i) if h1.ndim == 3: return mo1, mo_e1 else: return mo1.reshape(h1.shape), mo_e1.reshape(nocc,nocc)
if __name__ == '__main__': numpy.random.seed(1) nd = 3 nocc = 5 nmo = 12 nvir = nmo - nocc a = numpy.random.random((nocc*nvir,nocc*nvir)) a = a + a.T def fvind(x): v =,x[:,nocc:].reshape(-1,nocc*nvir).T) v1 = numpy.zeros((nd,nmo,nocc)) v1[:,nocc:] = v.T.reshape(nd,nvir,nocc) return v1 mo_energy = numpy.sort(numpy.random.random(nmo)) * 10 mo_occ = numpy.zeros(nmo) mo_occ[:nocc] = 2 e_i = mo_energy[mo_occ>0] e_a = mo_energy[mo_occ==0] e_ai = 1 / lib.direct_sum('a-i->ai', e_a, e_i) h1 = numpy.random.random((nd,nmo,nocc)) h1[:,:nocc,:nocc] = h1[:,:nocc,:nocc] + h1[:,:nocc,:nocc].transpose(0,2,1) s1 = numpy.random.random((nd,nmo,nocc)) s1[:,:nocc,:nocc] = s1[:,:nocc,:nocc] + s1[:,:nocc,:nocc].transpose(0,2,1) x = solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1, max_cycle=30)[0] print(numpy.linalg.norm(x)-6.272581531366389) hs = h1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc) - s1.reshape(-1,nmo,nocc)*e_i print(abs(hs[:,nocc:] + fvind(x)[:,nocc:]+x[:,nocc:]/e_ai).sum()) ################ xref = solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, s1*0, max_cycle=30)[0][:,mo_occ==0] def fvind(x): return,x.reshape(nd,nocc*nvir).T).T.reshape(nd,nvir,nocc) h1 = h1[:,nocc:] x0 = numpy.linalg.solve(numpy.diag(1/e_ai.ravel())+a, -h1.reshape(nd,-1).T).T.reshape(nd,nvir,nocc) x1 = solve(fvind, mo_energy, mo_occ, h1, max_cycle=30)[0] print(abs(x0-x1).sum()) print(abs(xref-x1).sum()) print(abs(h1 + fvind(x1)+x1/e_ai).sum())