Source code for pyscf.scf.hf_symm

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014-2019 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Author: Qiming Sun <>

Non-relativistic restricted Hartree-Fock with point group symmetry.

The symmetry are not handled in a separate data structure.  Note that during
the SCF iteration,  the orbitals are grouped in terms of symmetry irreps.
But the orbitals in the result are sorted based on the orbital energies.
Function symm.label_orb_symm can be used to detect the symmetry of the
molecular orbitals.

from functools import reduce
import numpy
import scipy.linalg
from pyscf import lib
from pyscf import symm
from pyscf.lib import logger
from pyscf.scf import hf
from pyscf.scf import uhf
from pyscf.scf import rohf
from pyscf.scf import chkfile
from pyscf.lib.exceptions import PointGroupSymmetryError
from pyscf import __config__

WITH_META_LOWDIN = getattr(__config__, 'scf_analyze_with_meta_lowdin', True)
MO_BASE = getattr(__config__, 'MO_BASE', 1)

# mo_energy, mo_coeff, mo_occ are all in nosymm representation

[docs] def analyze(mf, verbose=logger.DEBUG, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN, **kwargs): '''Analyze the given SCF object: print orbital energies, occupancies; print orbital coefficients; Occupancy for each irreps; Mulliken population analysis ''' from pyscf.lo import orth from import dump_mat mol = mf.mol mo_energy = mf.mo_energy mo_occ = mf.mo_occ mo_coeff = mf.mo_coeff ovlp_ao = mf.get_ovlp() log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose) if log.verbose >= logger.NOTE: mf.dump_scf_summary(log) nirrep = len(mol.irrep_id) orbsym = mf.get_orbsym(mo_coeff, ovlp_ao) wfnsym = 0 noccs = [sum(orbsym[mo_occ>0]==ir) for ir in mol.irrep_id] if mol.groupname in symm.param.POINTGROUP: log.note('Wave-function symmetry = %s', symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, wfnsym)) else: # TODO: check wave function symmetry for ('SO3', 'Dooh', 'Coov') etc log.note('Wave-function symmetry id = %s', wfnsym) log.note('occupancy for each irrep: ' + (' %4s'*nirrep), *mol.irrep_name) log.note(' ' + (' %4d'*nirrep), *noccs) log.note('**** MO energy ****') irname_full = {} for k,ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): irname_full[ir] = mol.irrep_name[k] irorbcnt = {} for k, j in enumerate(orbsym): if j in irorbcnt: irorbcnt[j] += 1 else: irorbcnt[j] = 1 log.note('MO #%d (%s #%d), energy= %.15g occ= %g', k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j], mo_energy[k], mo_occ[k]) if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG: label = mol.ao_labels() molabel = [] irorbcnt = {} for k, j in enumerate(orbsym): if j in irorbcnt: irorbcnt[j] += 1 else: irorbcnt[j] = 1 molabel.append('#%-d(%s #%d)' % (k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j])) if with_meta_lowdin: log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) **') orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao) c = reduce(, (orth_coeff.conj().T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff)) else: log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on AOs) **') c = mo_coeff dump_mat.dump_rec(mf.stdout, c, label, molabel, start=MO_BASE, **kwargs) dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ) if with_meta_lowdin: pop_and_charge = mf.mulliken_meta(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log) else: pop_and_charge = mf.mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log) dip = mf.dip_moment(mol, dm, verbose=log) return pop_and_charge, dip
[docs] def get_irrep_nelec(mol, mo_coeff, mo_occ, s=None): '''Electron numbers for each irreducible representation. Args: mol : an instance of :class:`Mole` To provide irrep_id, and spin-adapted basis mo_coeff : 2D ndarray Regular orbital coefficients, without grouping for irreps mo_occ : 1D ndarray Regular occupancy, without grouping for irreps Returns: irrep_nelec : dict The number of electrons for each irrep {'ir_name':int,...}. Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -76.016789472074251 >>> scf.hf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mf.mo_coeff, mf.mo_occ) {'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2} ''' orbsym = get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff, s, False) irrep_nelec = {mol.irrep_name[k]: int(sum(mo_occ[orbsym==ir])) for k, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id)} return irrep_nelec
[docs] def canonicalize(mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None): '''Canonicalization diagonalizes the Fock matrix in occupied, open, virtual subspaces separatedly (without change occupancy). ''' mol = mf.mol if not mol.symmetry: raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled') if fock is None: dm = mf.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ) fock = mf.get_hcore() + mf.get_veff(mf.mol, dm) coreidx = mo_occ == 2 viridx = mo_occ == 0 openidx = ~(coreidx | viridx) mo = numpy.empty_like(mo_coeff) mo_e = numpy.empty(mo_occ.size) if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None: orbsym = mo_coeff.orbsym irreps = set(orbsym) for ir in irreps: idx0 = orbsym == ir for idx1 in (coreidx, openidx, viridx): idx = idx0 & idx1 if numpy.count_nonzero(idx) > 0: orb = mo_coeff[:,idx] f1 = reduce(, (orb.conj().T, fock, orb)) e, c = scipy.linalg.eigh(f1) mo[:,idx] =[:,idx], c) mo_e[idx] = e else: s = mf.get_ovlp() for idx in (coreidx, openidx, viridx): if numpy.count_nonzero(idx) > 0: orb = mo_coeff[:,idx] f1 = reduce(, (orb.conj().T, fock, orb)) e, c = scipy.linalg.eigh(f1) c =[:,idx], c) mo[:,idx] = _symmetrize_canonicalization_(mf, e, c, s) mo_e[idx] = e orbsym = mf.get_orbsym(mo, s) mo = lib.tag_array(mo, orbsym=orbsym) return mo_e, mo
def _symmetrize_canonicalization_(mf, mo_energy, mo_coeff, s): '''Restore symmetry for canonicalized orbitals ''' def search_for_degeneracy(mo_energy): idx = numpy.where(abs(mo_energy[1:] - mo_energy[:-1]) < 1e-6)[0] return numpy.unique(numpy.hstack((idx, idx+1))) mol = mf.mol degidx = search_for_degeneracy(mo_energy) logger.debug1(mf, 'degidx %s', degidx) if degidx.size > 0: esub = mo_energy[degidx] csub = mo_coeff[:,degidx] scsub =, csub) emin = abs(esub).min() * .5 es = [] cs = [] for i,ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): so = mol.symm_orb[i] sosc =, scsub) s_ir = reduce(, (so.conj().T, s, so)) fock_ir =*esub, sosc.conj().T) mo_energy, u = mf._eigh(fock_ir, s_ir) idx = abs(mo_energy) > emin es.append(mo_energy[idx]) cs.append([i], u[:,idx])) es = numpy.hstack(es).round(7) idx = numpy.argsort(es, kind='stable') assert (numpy.allclose(es[idx], esub.round(7))) mo_coeff[:,degidx] = numpy.hstack(cs)[:,idx] return mo_coeff
[docs] def so2ao_mo_coeff(so, irrep_mo_coeff): '''Transfer the basis of MO coefficients, from symmetry-adapted basis to AO basis ''' return numpy.hstack([[ir],irrep_mo_coeff[ir]) for ir in range(so.__len__())])
[docs] def check_irrep_nelec(mol, irrep_nelec, nelec): for irname in irrep_nelec: if irname not in mol.irrep_name: msg = 'Molecule does not have irrep %s defined in irrep_nelec.' % irname raise ValueError(msg) float_irname = [] fix_na = 0 fix_nb = 0 free_irrep_norbs = [] for i, irname in enumerate(mol.irrep_name): if irname in irrep_nelec: if isinstance(irrep_nelec[irname], (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = irrep_nelec[irname] // 2 neleca = irrep_nelec[irname] - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = irrep_nelec[irname] if not (isinstance(neleca, (int, numpy.integer)) and isinstance(nelecb, (int, numpy.integer))): raise ValueError('irrep_nelec value must be integer') norb = mol.symm_orb[i].shape[1] if neleca > norb or nelecb > norb: msg =('More electrons than orbitals for irrep %s ' 'nelec = %d + %d, norb = %d' % (irname, neleca,nelecb, norb)) raise ValueError(msg) fix_na += neleca fix_nb += nelecb else: float_irname.append(irname) free_irrep_norbs.append(mol.symm_orb[i].shape[1]) if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = nelec // 2 neleca = nelec - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = nelec fix_ne = fix_na + fix_nb float_neleca = neleca - fix_na float_nelecb = nelecb - fix_nb free_norb = sum(free_irrep_norbs) if fix_na > neleca or fix_nb > nelecb: msg =('More electrons defined by irrep_nelec than total num electrons.\n' f'total num electrons = ({neleca}, {nelecb})\n' f'num electrons defined by irrep_nelec = ({fix_na}, {fix_nb})\n' f'irrep_nelec = {irrep_nelec}') raise ValueError(msg) else:, 'Freeze %d electrons in irreps %s', fix_ne, list(irrep_nelec.keys())) if len(set(float_irname)) == 0 and fix_ne != mol.nelectron: msg =('Num electrons defined by irrep_nelec != total num electrons. ' 'mol.nelectron = %d irrep_nelec = %s' % (mol.nelectron, irrep_nelec)) raise ValueError(msg) elif float_neleca > free_norb or float_nelecb > free_norb: raise ValueError('Not enough orbitals for (%d, %d) electrons in irreps %s ' '(irrep_norb: %s)' % (float_neleca, float_nelecb, ' '.join(float_irname), free_norb)) else:, ' %d free electrons in irreps %s', mol.nelectron-fix_ne, ' '.join(float_irname)) return fix_na, fix_nb, float_irname
#TODO: force Dooh, Doov orbitals E1gx/E1gy ... using the same coefficients #TODO: force SO3 orbitals p+0,p-1,p+1, ... using the same coefficients
[docs] def eig(mf, h, s, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None): '''Solve generalized eigenvalue problem, for each irrep. The eigenvalues and eigenvectors are not sorted to ascending order. Instead, they are grouped based on irreps. ''' mol = mf.mol if symm_orb is None or irrep_id is None: if not mol.symmetry: raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled') symm_orb = mol.symm_orb irrep_id = mol.irrep_id nirrep = symm_orb.__len__() h = symm.symmetrize_matrix(h, symm_orb) s = symm.symmetrize_matrix(s, symm_orb) cs = [] es = [] orbsym = [] if getattr(mol, 'groupname', None) in ('Dooh', 'Coov'): for ir in range(nirrep): irrep_1d = irrep_id[ir] in (0, 1, 4, 5) irrep_2dx = irrep_id[ir] % 2 == 0 if irrep_1d or irrep_2dx: e, c = mf._eigh(h[ir], s[ir]) cs.append(c) es.append(e) orbsym.append([irrep_id[ir]] * e.size) if not irrep_1d and irrep_2dx: # force 2D irreps using the same coefficients irrep_conj = irrep_id[ir] ^ 1 assert irrep_id[ir+1] == irrep_conj cs.append(c) es.append(e) orbsym.append([irrep_conj] * e.size) else: for ir in range(nirrep): e, c = mf._eigh(h[ir], s[ir]) cs.append(c) es.append(e) orbsym.append([irrep_id[ir]] * e.size) e = numpy.hstack(es) c = so2ao_mo_coeff(symm_orb, cs) c = lib.tag_array(c, orbsym=numpy.hstack(orbsym)) return e, c
[docs] def get_orbsym(mol, mo_coeff, s=None, check=False, symm_orb=None, irrep_id=None): if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None: return mo_coeff.orbsym if symm_orb is None or irrep_id is None: symm_orb = mol.symm_orb irrep_id = mol.irrep_id if mo_coeff is None: orbsym = numpy.hstack([[ir] * symm_orb[i].shape[1] for i, ir in enumerate(irrep_id)]) else: orbsym = symm.label_orb_symm(mol, irrep_id, symm_orb, mo_coeff, s, check) return orbsym
[docs] def map_degeneracy(mo_energy, orbsym): '''Find degeneracy correspondence for cylindrical symmetry''' norb = orbsym.size ex_mask = numpy.isin(orbsym % 10, (0, 2, 5, 7)) degen_mapping = numpy.arange(norb) for ir_ex in set(orbsym[ex_mask]): if ir_ex in (0, 1, 5, 4): continue if ir_ex % 2 == 0: ir_ey = ir_ex + 1 else: ir_ey = ir_ex - 1 ex_idx = numpy.where(orbsym == ir_ex)[0] ey_idx = numpy.where(orbsym == ir_ey)[0] if ex_idx.size != ey_idx.size: raise PointGroupSymmetryError('Degenerated orbitals required') mo_ex = mo_energy[ex_idx].round(7) mo_ey = mo_energy[ey_idx].round(7) mapping = numpy.where(abs(mo_ex[:,None] - mo_ey) < 1e-6)[1] if mapping.size != ex_idx.size: raise PointGroupSymmetryError('Degenerated orbitals required') degen_mapping[ex_idx] = ey_idx[mapping] degen_mapping[ey_idx] = ex_idx[mapping.argsort()] return degen_mapping
[docs] def get_wfnsym(mf, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, orbsym=None): if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = mf.mo_occ if orbsym is None: orbsym = mf.get_orbsym(mo_coeff) if mf.mol.groupname == 'SO3': if numpy.any(orbsym > 7): logger.warn(mf, 'Wave-function symmetry for %s not supported. ' 'Wfn symmetry is mapped to D2h/C2v group.', mf.mol.groupname) wfnsym = 0 for ir in orbsym[mo_occ == 1] % 10: wfnsym ^= ir if mf.mol.groupname in ('Dooh', 'Coov'): orb_l = (orbsym // 10) * 2 e1_mask = numpy.isin(orbsym % 10, (2, 3, 6, 7)) orb_l[e1_mask] += 1 ey_mask = numpy.isin(orbsym % 10, (1, 3, 4, 6)) orb_l[ey_mask] *= -1 a_l = orb_l[mo_occ != 0] b_l = orb_l[mo_occ == 2] wfn_momentum = a_l.sum() + b_l.sum() wfnsym += (abs(wfn_momentum) // 2) * 10 return wfnsym
[docs] class SymAdaptedRHF(hf.RHF): __doc__ = hf.SCF.__doc__ + ''' Attributes for symmetry allowed RHF: irrep_nelec : dict Specify the number of electrons for particular irrep {'ir_name':int,...}. For the irreps not listed in this dict, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital energies. Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -76.016789472074251 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': 6, 'A2': 0, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 2} >>> mf.irrep_nelec = {'A2': 2} >>> mf.scf() -72.768201804695622 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': 6, 'A2': 2, 'B1': 2, 'B2': 0} ''' _keys = {'irrep_nelec'} def __init__(self, mol): hf.RHF.__init__(self, mol) # number of electrons for each irreps self.irrep_nelec = {} # {'ir_name':int,...}
[docs] def build(self, mol=None): if mol is None: mol = self.mol if not mol.symmetry: raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled') check_irrep_nelec(mol, self.irrep_nelec, self.mol.nelectron) return, mol)
eig = eig
[docs] def get_grad(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None): g = hf.RHF.get_grad(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock) occidx = mo_occ > 0 viridx = ~occidx orbsym = self.get_orbsym(mo_coeff) sym_forbid = orbsym[viridx].reshape(-1,1) != orbsym[occidx] g[sym_forbid.ravel()] = 0 return g
[docs] def get_occ(self, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None): ''' We assumed mo_energy are grouped by symmetry irreps, (see function self.eig). The orbitals are sorted after SCF. ''' if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = self.mo_energy mol = self.mol if not mol.symmetry: raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled') orbsym = self.get_orbsym(mo_coeff) mo_occ = numpy.zeros_like(mo_energy) rest_idx = numpy.ones(mo_occ.size, dtype=bool) nelec_fix = 0 for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): irname = mol.irrep_name[i] if irname in self.irrep_nelec: ir_idx = numpy.where(orbsym == ir)[0] n = self.irrep_nelec[irname] occ_sort = numpy.argsort(mo_energy[ir_idx].round(9), kind='stable') occ_idx = ir_idx[occ_sort[:n//2]] mo_occ[occ_idx] = 2 nelec_fix += n rest_idx[ir_idx] = False nelec_float = mol.nelectron - nelec_fix assert (nelec_float >= 0) if nelec_float > 0: rest_idx = numpy.where(rest_idx)[0] occ_sort = numpy.argsort(mo_energy[rest_idx].round(9), kind='stable') occ_idx = rest_idx[occ_sort[:nelec_float//2]] mo_occ[occ_idx] = 2 vir_idx = (mo_occ==0) if self.verbose >= logger.INFO and numpy.count_nonzero(vir_idx) > 0: ehomo = max(mo_energy[~vir_idx]) elumo = min(mo_energy[ vir_idx]) noccs = [] for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): irname = mol.irrep_name[i] ir_idx = (orbsym == ir) noccs.append(int(mo_occ[ir_idx].sum())) if ehomo in mo_energy[ir_idx]: irhomo = irname if elumo in mo_energy[ir_idx]: irlumo = irname, 'HOMO (%s) = %.15g LUMO (%s) = %.15g', irhomo, ehomo, irlumo, elumo) logger.debug(self, 'irrep_nelec = %s', noccs) _dump_mo_energy(mol, mo_energy, mo_occ, ehomo, elumo, orbsym, verbose=self.verbose) return mo_occ
def _finalize(self): hf.RHF._finalize(self) # sort MOs wrt orbital energies, it should be done last. # Using mergesort because it is stable. We don't want to change the # ordering of the symmetry labels when two orbitals are degenerated. o_sort = numpy.argsort(self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ> 0].round(9), kind='stable') v_sort = numpy.argsort(self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ==0].round(9), kind='stable') idx = numpy.arange(self.mo_energy.size) idx = numpy.hstack((idx[self.mo_occ> 0][o_sort], idx[self.mo_occ==0][v_sort])) self.mo_energy = self.mo_energy[idx] self.mo_occ = self.mo_occ[idx] orbsym = self.get_orbsym(self.mo_coeff) orbsym = orbsym[idx] degen_mapping = None if self.mol.groupname in ('Dooh', 'Coov'): try: degen_mapping = map_degeneracy(self.mo_energy, orbsym) except PointGroupSymmetryError: logger.warn(self, 'Orbital degeneracy broken') if degen_mapping is None: self.mo_coeff = lib.tag_array(self.mo_coeff[:,idx], orbsym=orbsym) else: self.mo_coeff = lib.tag_array( self.mo_coeff[:,idx], orbsym=orbsym, degen_mapping=degen_mapping) if self.chkfile: chkfile.dump_scf(self.mol, self.chkfile, self.e_tot, self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_occ, overwrite_mol=False) return self
[docs] @lib.with_doc(analyze.__doc__) def analyze(self, verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN, **kwargs): if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose return analyze(self, verbose, with_meta_lowdin, **kwargs)
[docs] @lib.with_doc(get_irrep_nelec.__doc__) def get_irrep_nelec(self, mol=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, s=None): if mol is None: mol = self.mol if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = self.mo_occ if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff if s is None: s = self.get_ovlp() return get_irrep_nelec(mol, mo_coeff, mo_occ, s)
[docs] def get_orbsym(self, mo_coeff=None, s=None): if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff if getattr(mo_coeff, 'orbsym', None) is not None: return mo_coeff.orbsym if s is None: s = self.get_ovlp() return numpy.asarray(get_orbsym(self.mol, mo_coeff, s))
orbsym = property(get_orbsym) get_wfnsym = get_wfnsym wfnsym = property(get_wfnsym) canonicalize = canonicalize
[docs] def to_gpu(self): raise NotImplementedError
RHF = SymAdaptedRHF
[docs] class SymAdaptedROHF(rohf.ROHF): __doc__ = hf.SCF.__doc__ + ''' Attributes for symmetry allowed ROHF: irrep_nelec : dict Specify the number of alpha/beta electrons for particular irrep {'ir_name':(int,int), ...}. For the irreps not listed in these dicts, the program will choose the occupancy based on the orbital energies. Examples: >>> mol = gto.M(atom='O 0 0 0; H 0 0 1; H 0 1 0', basis='ccpvdz', symmetry=True, charge=1, spin=1, verbose=0) >>> mf = scf.RHF(mol) >>> mf.scf() -75.619358861084052 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 1), 'B2': (1, 0)} >>> mf.irrep_nelec = {'B1': (1, 0)} >>> mf.scf() -75.425669486776457 >>> mf.get_irrep_nelec() {'A1': (3, 3), 'A2': (0, 0), 'B1': (1, 0), 'B2': (1, 1)} ''' _keys = {'irrep_nelec'} def __init__(self, mol): rohf.ROHF.__init__(self, mol) self.irrep_nelec = {} # use _irrep_doccs and _irrep_soccs help self.eig to compute orbital energy, # do not overwrite them self._irrep_doccs = [] self._irrep_soccs = []
[docs] def dump_flags(self, verbose=None): rohf.ROHF.dump_flags(self, verbose) if self.irrep_nelec:, 'irrep_nelec %s', self.irrep_nelec) return self
[docs] def build(self, mol=None): if mol is None: mol = self.mol if not mol.symmetry: raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled') fix_na, fix_nb = check_irrep_nelec(mol, self.irrep_nelec, self.nelec)[:2] alpha_open = beta_open = False for ne in self.irrep_nelec.values(): if not isinstance(ne, (int, numpy.integer)): alpha_open |= ne[0] > ne[1] beta_open |= ne[0] < ne[1] frozen_spin = fix_na - fix_nb if ((alpha_open and beta_open) or (0 < mol.spin < frozen_spin) or (frozen_spin < 0 < mol.spin) or (frozen_spin < mol.spin < 0) or (mol.spin < 0 < frozen_spin)): raise ValueError('Low-spin configuration was found in ' 'the irrep_nelec input. ROHF does not ' 'support low-spin configuration.') return, mol)
[docs] @lib.with_doc(eig.__doc__) def eig(self, fock, s): e, c = eig(self, fock, s) if getattr(fock, 'focka', None) is not None: mo_ea = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->i', c, mo_eb = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->i', c, e = lib.tag_array(e, mo_ea=mo_ea, mo_eb=mo_eb) return e, c
[docs] def get_grad(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None): g = rohf.ROHF.get_grad(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock) occidxa = mo_occ > 0 occidxb = mo_occ == 2 viridxa = ~occidxa viridxb = ~occidxb uniq_var_a = viridxa.reshape(-1,1) & occidxa uniq_var_b = viridxb.reshape(-1,1) & occidxb orbsym = self.get_orbsym(mo_coeff) sym_forbid = orbsym.reshape(-1,1) != orbsym sym_forbid = sym_forbid[uniq_var_a | uniq_var_b] g[sym_forbid.ravel()] = 0 return g
[docs] def get_occ(self, mo_energy=None, mo_coeff=None): if mo_energy is None: mo_energy = self.mo_energy mol = self.mol if not mol.symmetry: raise RuntimeError('mol.symmetry not enabled') if getattr(mo_energy, 'mo_ea', None) is not None: mo_ea = mo_energy.mo_ea mo_eb = mo_energy.mo_eb else: mo_ea = mo_eb = mo_energy nmo = mo_ea.size mo_occ = numpy.zeros(nmo) orbsym = self.get_orbsym(mo_coeff) rest_idx = numpy.ones(mo_occ.size, dtype=bool) neleca_fix = 0 nelecb_fix = 0 for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): irname = mol.irrep_name[i] if irname in self.irrep_nelec: ir_idx = numpy.where(orbsym == ir)[0] if isinstance(self.irrep_nelec[irname], (int, numpy.integer)): nelecb = self.irrep_nelec[irname] // 2 neleca = self.irrep_nelec[irname] - nelecb else: neleca, nelecb = self.irrep_nelec[irname] if neleca > nelecb: ncore, nopen = nelecb, neleca - nelecb else: ncore, nopen = neleca, nelecb - neleca mo_occ[ir_idx] = rohf._fill_rohf_occ(mo_energy[ir_idx], mo_ea[ir_idx], mo_eb[ir_idx], ncore, nopen) neleca_fix += neleca nelecb_fix += nelecb rest_idx[ir_idx] = False nelec_float = mol.nelectron - neleca_fix - nelecb_fix assert (nelec_float >= 0) if len(rest_idx) > 0: rest_idx = numpy.where(rest_idx)[0] nopen = abs(mol.spin - (neleca_fix - nelecb_fix)) ncore = (nelec_float - nopen)//2 mo_occ[rest_idx] = rohf._fill_rohf_occ(mo_energy[rest_idx], mo_ea[rest_idx], mo_eb[rest_idx], ncore, nopen) nocc, ncore = self.nelec nopen = nocc - ncore vir_idx = (mo_occ==0) if self.verbose >= logger.INFO and nocc < nmo and ncore > 0: ehomo = max(mo_energy[~vir_idx]) elumo = min(mo_energy[ vir_idx]) ndoccs = [] nsoccs = [] for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): irname = mol.irrep_name[i] ir_idx = (orbsym == ir) ndoccs.append(numpy.count_nonzero(mo_occ[ir_idx]==2)) nsoccs.append(numpy.count_nonzero(mo_occ[ir_idx]==1)) if ehomo in mo_energy[ir_idx]: irhomo = irname if elumo in mo_energy[ir_idx]: irlumo = irname # to help self.eigh compute orbital energy self._irrep_doccs = ndoccs self._irrep_soccs = nsoccs, 'HOMO (%s) = %.15g LUMO (%s) = %.15g', irhomo, ehomo, irlumo, elumo) logger.debug(self, 'double occ irrep_nelec = %s', ndoccs) logger.debug(self, 'single occ irrep_nelec = %s', nsoccs) #_dump_mo_energy(mol, mo_energy, mo_occ, ehomo, elumo, orbsym, # verbose=self.verbose) if nopen > 0: core_idx = mo_occ == 2 open_idx = mo_occ == 1 vir_idx = mo_occ == 0 logger.debug(self, ' Roothaan | alpha | beta') logger.debug(self, ' Highest 2-occ = %18.15g | %18.15g | %18.15g', max(mo_energy[core_idx]), max(mo_ea[core_idx]), max(mo_eb[core_idx])) logger.debug(self, ' Lowest 0-occ = %18.15g | %18.15g | %18.15g', min(mo_energy[vir_idx]), min(mo_ea[vir_idx]), min(mo_eb[vir_idx])) for i in numpy.where(open_idx)[0]: logger.debug(self, ' 1-occ = %18.15g | %18.15g | %18.15g', mo_energy[i], mo_ea[i], mo_eb[i]) numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=nmo) logger.debug(self, ' Roothaan mo_energy =\n%s', mo_energy) logger.debug1(self, ' alpha mo_energy =\n%s', mo_ea) logger.debug1(self, ' beta mo_energy =\n%s', mo_eb) numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=1000) return mo_occ
[docs] def make_rdm1(self, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, **kwargs): if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = self.mo_occ mo_a = mo_coeff[:,mo_occ>0] mo_b = mo_coeff[:,mo_occ==2] dm_a =, mo_a.conj().T) dm_b =, mo_b.conj().T) return lib.tag_array((dm_a, dm_b), mo_coeff=mo_coeff, mo_occ=mo_occ)
def _finalize(self): rohf.ROHF._finalize(self) # sort MOs wrt orbital energies, it should be done last. # Using mergesort because it is stable. We don't want to change the # ordering of the symmetry labels when two orbitals are degenerated. c_sort = numpy.argsort(self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ==2].round(9), kind='stable') o_sort = numpy.argsort(self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ==1].round(9), kind='stable') v_sort = numpy.argsort(self.mo_energy[self.mo_occ==0].round(9), kind='stable') idx = numpy.arange(self.mo_energy.size) idx = numpy.hstack((idx[self.mo_occ==2][c_sort], idx[self.mo_occ==1][o_sort], idx[self.mo_occ==0][v_sort])) if getattr(self.mo_energy, 'mo_ea', None) is not None: mo_ea = self.mo_energy.mo_ea[idx] mo_eb = self.mo_energy.mo_eb[idx] self.mo_energy = lib.tag_array(self.mo_energy[idx], mo_ea=mo_ea, mo_eb=mo_eb) else: self.mo_energy = self.mo_energy[idx] self.mo_occ = self.mo_occ[idx] orbsym = self.get_orbsym(self.mo_coeff) orbsym = orbsym[idx] degen_mapping = None if self.mol.groupname in ('Dooh', 'Coov'): try: degen_mapping = map_degeneracy(self.mo_energy, orbsym) except PointGroupSymmetryError: logger.warn(self, 'Orbital degeneracy broken') if degen_mapping is None: self.mo_coeff = lib.tag_array(self.mo_coeff[:,idx], orbsym=orbsym) else: self.mo_coeff = lib.tag_array( self.mo_coeff[:,idx], orbsym=orbsym, degen_mapping=degen_mapping) if self.chkfile: chkfile.dump_scf(self.mol, self.chkfile, self.e_tot, self.mo_energy, self.mo_coeff, self.mo_occ, overwrite_mol=False) return self
[docs] def analyze(self, verbose=None, with_meta_lowdin=WITH_META_LOWDIN, **kwargs): if verbose is None: verbose = self.verbose from pyscf.lo import orth from import dump_mat mol = self.mol mo_energy = self.mo_energy mo_occ = self.mo_occ mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff ovlp_ao = self.get_ovlp() log = logger.new_logger(self, verbose) if log.verbose >= logger.NOTE: self.dump_scf_summary(log) nirrep = len(mol.irrep_id) orbsym = self.get_orbsym(mo_coeff) irreps = numpy.asarray(mol.irrep_id) ndoccs = numpy.count_nonzero(irreps[:,None] == orbsym[mo_occ==2], axis=1) nsoccs = numpy.count_nonzero(irreps[:,None] == orbsym[mo_occ==1], axis=1) wfnsym = 0 # wfn symmetry is determined by the odd number of electrons in each irrep for k in numpy.where(nsoccs % 2 == 1)[0]: ir_in_d2h = mol.irrep_id[k] % 10 # convert to D2h irreps wfnsym ^= ir_in_d2h if mol.groupname in ('SO3', 'Dooh', 'Coov'): # TODO: check wave function symmetry log.note('Wave-function symmetry = %s', mol.groupname) else: log.note('Wave-function symmetry = %s', symm.irrep_id2name(mol.groupname, wfnsym)) log.note('occupancy for each irrep: ' + (' %4s'*nirrep), *mol.irrep_name) log.note('double occ ' + (' %4d'*nirrep), *ndoccs) log.note('single occ ' + (' %4d'*nirrep), *nsoccs) log.note('**** MO energy ****') irname_full = {} for k,ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): irname_full[ir] = mol.irrep_name[k] irorbcnt = {} if getattr(mo_energy, 'mo_ea', None) is not None: mo_ea = mo_energy.mo_ea mo_eb = mo_energy.mo_eb log.note(' Roothaan | alpha | beta') for k, j in enumerate(orbsym): if j in irorbcnt: irorbcnt[j] += 1 else: irorbcnt[j] = 1 log.note('MO #%-4d(%-3s #%-2d) energy= %-18.15g | %-18.15g | %-18.15g occ= %g', k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j], mo_energy[k], mo_ea[k], mo_eb[k], mo_occ[k]) else: for k, j in enumerate(orbsym): if j in irorbcnt: irorbcnt[j] += 1 else: irorbcnt[j] = 1 log.note('MO #%-3d (%s #%-2d), energy= %-18.15g occ= %g', k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j], mo_energy[k], mo_occ[k]) if log.verbose >= logger.DEBUG: label = mol.ao_labels() molabel = [] irorbcnt = {} for k, j in enumerate(orbsym): if j in irorbcnt: irorbcnt[j] += 1 else: irorbcnt[j] = 1 molabel.append('#%-d(%s #%d)' % (k+MO_BASE, irname_full[j], irorbcnt[j])) if with_meta_lowdin: log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on meta-Lowdin AOs) **') orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mol, 'meta_lowdin', s=ovlp_ao) c = reduce(, (orth_coeff.conj().T, ovlp_ao, mo_coeff)) else: log.debug(' ** MO coefficients (expansion on AOs) **') c = mo_coeff dump_mat.dump_rec(self.stdout, c, label, molabel, start=MO_BASE, **kwargs) dm = self.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ) if with_meta_lowdin: pop_and_charge = self.mulliken_meta(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log) else: pop_and_charge = self.mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=ovlp_ao, verbose=log) dip = self.dip_moment(mol, dm, verbose=log) return pop_and_charge, dip
[docs] def get_irrep_nelec(self, mol=None, mo_coeff=None, mo_occ=None, s=None): from pyscf.scf import uhf_symm if mol is None: mol = self.mol if mo_coeff is None: mo_coeff = self.mo_coeff if mo_occ is None: mo_occ = self.mo_occ if isinstance(mo_coeff, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeff.ndim == 2: mo_coeff = (mo_coeff, mo_coeff) if isinstance(mo_occ, numpy.ndarray) and mo_occ.ndim == 1: mo_occ = (numpy.array(mo_occ>0, dtype=numpy.double), numpy.array(mo_occ==2, dtype=numpy.double)) if s is None: s = self.get_ovlp() return uhf_symm.get_irrep_nelec(mol, mo_coeff, mo_occ, s)
[docs] @lib.with_doc(canonicalize.__doc__) def canonicalize(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock=None): if getattr(fock, 'focka', None) is None: fock = self.get_fock(dm=self.make_rdm1(mo_coeff, mo_occ)) mo_e, mo_coeff = canonicalize(self, mo_coeff, mo_occ, fock) mo_ea = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->i', mo_coeff, mo_eb = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->i', mo_coeff, mo_e = lib.tag_array(mo_e, mo_ea=mo_ea, mo_eb=mo_eb) return mo_e, mo_coeff
get_orbsym = SymAdaptedRHF.get_orbsym orbsym = property(get_orbsym) get_wfnsym = get_wfnsym wfnsym = property(get_wfnsym)
[docs] def to_gpu(self): raise NotImplementedError
ROHF = SymAdaptedROHF def _dump_mo_energy(mol, mo_energy, mo_occ, ehomo, elumo, orbsym, title='', verbose=logger.DEBUG): log = logger.new_logger(mol, verbose) for i, ir in enumerate(mol.irrep_id): irname = mol.irrep_name[i] ir_idx = (orbsym == ir) nso = numpy.count_nonzero(ir_idx) nocc = numpy.count_nonzero(mo_occ[ir_idx]) e_ir = mo_energy[ir_idx] if nocc == 0: log.debug('%s%s nocc = 0', title, irname) elif nocc == nso: log.debug('%s%s nocc = %d HOMO = %.15g', title, irname, nocc, e_ir[nocc-1]) else: log.debug('%s%s nocc = %d HOMO = %.15g LUMO = %.15g', title, irname, nocc, e_ir[nocc-1], e_ir[nocc]) if e_ir[nocc-1]+1e-3 > elumo: log.warn('%s%s HOMO %.15g > system LUMO %.15g', title, irname, e_ir[nocc-1], elumo) if e_ir[nocc] < ehomo+1e-3: log.warn('%s%s LUMO %.15g < system HOMO %.15g', title, irname, e_ir[nocc], ehomo) log.debug(' mo_energy = %s', e_ir)
[docs] class HF1e(ROHF): scf = hf._hf1e_scf